SALTO Geo Sylinder Skandinavia

kr 3,500.00

XS4 GEO Scandinavian profile oval exterior cylinder The XS4 GEO Scandinavian external cylinder is specially designed to fit most doors that are equipped with a Scandinavian profile cylinder mortise lock. In combination with the GxS2 it can be a double reader (entrance & exit).

Produktnr: G9S1130N00CSBNR Kategorier: , Stikkord: ,


XS4 GEO Scandinavian

XS4 GEO Scandinavian profile oval exterior cylinder The XS4 GEO Scandinavian external cylinder is specially designed to fit most doors that are equipped with a Scandinavian profile cylinder mortise lock. In combination with the GxS2 it can be a double reader (entrance & exit).

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